Donnerstag, August 13, 2009

District 9

Definitely one of the best movies i've seen this year with substance. of course the explosions and alien guns and mechs really help, but look beyond that and see the "allegory for apartheid, xenophobia, corporate malfeasance, gentrification, and the dog-eat-dog nature of living in poverty under hostile and oppressive conditions" (

I love the viral marketing strategies, from the websites to the "humans only" posters to the (one of my personal favorites) "humans only) bustop and benches stickers. i recently found this "blog" written by "christopher" (one of the aliens in the movie, human given name of course).

check out this post quoting "rules" for alien behavior

Sounds familiar? easy to say that they are disgusting looking aliens, but then again, can you think of cases where people have been treated in similar fashion (forced labor, segregation, population control ... hell, "human" names?).... nevermind the past, think nowadays. i dont think you'll have to think too hard
