Dienstag, Januar 05, 2010

up in smokes

interesting facts about smoking

"Not many smokers realise this, but much of the stress relieved by a cigarette is actually caused by smoking the one before.

The stress on your body brought on by poisonous nicotine triggers the release of endorphins. This is to ease the pain caused in fighting off the poison.

To ensure it has a "painkilling" supply for the next attack (or cigarette), the body shuts down its natural cycle of endorphins.

When the anticipated natural chemical release doesn't arrive, the smoker experiences stress and craves the endorphin release they now associate with smoking another cigarette.

The cycle works like this: Feel stress, smoke cigarette, signal endorphin release, feel temporary relaxation, exhaust endorphin production, feel increased stress."

Read more:http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/2792472/Paul-McKenna-on-how-to-quit-smoking.html#ixzz0bnqWO3SW