Dienstag, Januar 05, 2010

up in smokes

interesting facts about smoking

"Not many smokers realise this, but much of the stress relieved by a cigarette is actually caused by smoking the one before.

The stress on your body brought on by poisonous nicotine triggers the release of endorphins. This is to ease the pain caused in fighting off the poison.

To ensure it has a "painkilling" supply for the next attack (or cigarette), the body shuts down its natural cycle of endorphins.

When the anticipated natural chemical release doesn't arrive, the smoker experiences stress and craves the endorphin release they now associate with smoking another cigarette.

The cycle works like this: Feel stress, smoke cigarette, signal endorphin release, feel temporary relaxation, exhaust endorphin production, feel increased stress."

Read more:http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/2792472/Paul-McKenna-on-how-to-quit-smoking.html#ixzz0bnqWO3SW

Montag, Dezember 21, 2009

understand that you live in the subjective truth, and you will see something spectacular....

I love this guy!

Donnerstag, September 24, 2009

Malaysia Failed State?

Did you know that Malaysia is in the 'Warning' category for the Failed State Index? We get high (high=bad) scores for

I-1. Mounting Demographic Pressures
I-5. Uneven Economic Development along Group Lines
I-9. Suspension or Arbitrary Application of the Rule of Law and WidespreadViolation of Human Rights

interesting eh?

Donnerstag, August 13, 2009

District 9

Definitely one of the best movies i've seen this year with substance. of course the explosions and alien guns and mechs really help, but look beyond that and see the "allegory for apartheid, xenophobia, corporate malfeasance, gentrification, and the dog-eat-dog nature of living in poverty under hostile and oppressive conditions" (askmen.com)

I love the viral marketing strategies, from the websites to the "humans only" posters to the (one of my personal favorites) "humans only) bustop and benches stickers. i recently found this "blog" written by "christopher" (one of the aliens in the movie, human given name of course).

check out this post quoting "rules" for alien behavior

Sounds familiar? easy to say that they are disgusting looking aliens, but then again, can you think of cases where people have been treated in similar fashion (forced labor, segregation, population control ... hell, "human" names?).... nevermind the past, think nowadays. i dont think you'll have to think too hard


Dienstag, Juni 09, 2009


"The thought that humans are rational creatures is a mistake, people are in fact animals and they live forward by feelings, their impulses and preferences. If they have to make something up along with it, they will do it then"

Rational man? or Homer?

Sonntag, Mai 03, 2009

science & progress

"Nothing is so dangerous to the progress of the human mind than to assume our views of science are ultimate, that there no mysteries in nature, that our triumphs are complete and that there are no new worlds to conquer,"
Sir Humphry Davy


Mittwoch, April 15, 2009

we are all stars

we are all stars

i dont mean in a corny american idol or a you can be all that you can be sense

we are all stars, we once were and someday will be, stars
or planets, or nebula or what have you....

no i havent finally lost it. and neither have i joined a cult.

someone asked me the other day, being a godless sod (ok maybe not in so many words but thats a good summary of everyone who's ever asked me that question or something similar over my lifetime), how do or would i find comfort someday on my deathbed, what would give me hope that everything's going to be ok, someone's watching out for you

well first off quite frankly i dont fear death, at least not right now, as far as i'm concerned when you die you cease to exist and along with that you cease to feel, yearn, think, long, desire, fear or any other inherently human sensation, in which case the point is moot, what is there to fear, and in fact wouldn't that give you a fresher perspective on the temporal nature of this lifetime, and thus evoke a corny "make the most of it" inclination?

i suppose the worse case would be i turned out to be wrong and i end up standing before some god-head, in which case my best defense is that i have been true to my inclinations, which quite frankly were as a result of how i was created by this god-head anyway.

that aside, i think when we die, we all become stars

current astrophysical theories tell us that matter that originally came from the energy that came from the big bang, was made up of nothing more than basic single-proton/electron Hydrogen atoms (and perhaps some other weird stuff, whatever i cant remember). astrophysics also tells us that all complex/heavy metals, including carbon, the building blocks of our life, were born in stars, formed out of nuclear fission in these factories of the universe

so all matter that is us, all the complex atoms that made up the complex molecules that make up our flesh and skin and bone and neurons, were once part of a bright shining star, perhaps millions or billions of years ago. and all the energy that is us, our consciousness, some may call it our soul, was born billions of years ago in a brilliant flash of energy in which everything came to be

and when we die, our matter and our energy 'returns' to the universe, although technically it never left it, and becomes part of whatever will be and is to come. we will become stars again. perhaps not immediately, perhaps only after millions or billions of years will some fraction of the atomic particles or energy that was once us will go beyond and become part of another bright, glowing, magical orb of energy, but id like to think that someday some of what is us (or was us, since technically the actual 'matter' in us changes repeatedly over our lifetime), will eventually be stars.

yes, i think our "soul" is just energy, that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon as an outcome of complex interactions between energy and matter in the system that is our body. emergent behavior doesn't need central intelligence or intent to form, it can "emerge", the "whole" being "more" than the "sum of the parts". emergence and systems theory is a long story that i'm not going to get into, although you can check out Steven Stogatz video on TED on sync in nature, e.g. bird flock and fish school swarms in reaction to the environment may seem like they are controlled by a central intelligence or a pack leader, but are in reality "emergent" from very simple rules that each individual follows, ie (something similar to)

1) if the birds right next to you turn left, go left
2) don't hit any other birds (or keep a safe distance)

just because we don't understand complex interactions and can only perceive them under the notion of intelligent design, doesn't make it true. reality doesn't follow our perceptions just because they make sense or give us comfort. we aren't the center of the universe.

we are all stars
we were once those bright orbs of light in the sky, that which inspired, guided, aroused all manner of dreams, hopes, fantasies, from ancient mariners seeking stellar navigation to their destination, to the lonely sheppard in the highlands or bedouin in the desert, keeping them company in the night sky, to the child who longs to be an astronaut, to the cheesy pick up artist with his line starting "your daddy must've been a theif, cuz ....".

for millions and billions of years, parts of us traveled the universe, perhaps becoming planets, asteroids, beautiful giant glowing clumps of gas or plasma, nebula, any one of those wonderus things Hubble shows us, perhaps even being part of some other lifeform somewhere in the universe. and at some point the parts of us ended up here and became part of this planet, going throught the millenia until assembling today with other such particles to become what we are right now, this instance.

now i dont know about you, but that inspires me, gives me hope. someone else once said to me that your "religion" is not about god or church or fasting or whatever, it is what inspires and gives you hope, gives you a frame for the world.

we are all stars
i think that is very romantic :)
who says science has to be dry?

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