Donnerstag, Februar 14, 2008


interesting bits of knowledge

- the phrase "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa" is made up of entirely Sanskrit words

- 'sembahyang' [which] happens to be a pre-Islamic term and is derived from the words 'sembah' (to worship) and 'hyang', which refers to the 'Primal Ancestor': the original, primordial Human spirit-being that was also worshiped by our dear orang asli friends and neighbours, and who was for centuries associated with the earth-genesis cult of many an aboriginal group


monopoly of holiness

"When Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists alike realise and respect the sacredness in the other, and drop the claim that they alone monopolise all that is good and holy; perhaps then we will be one step closer to recognising the fundamental humanity we share with each other – whether we like it or not." - Dr. Farish Noor, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore


Dienstag, Februar 12, 2008

beautiful ...

Ridi, Pagliaccio,
sul tuo amore infranto!
Ridi del duol, che t'avvelena il cor!

Laugh, Pagliaccio,
at your broken love!
Laugh at the grief that poisons your heart!

Vesti la giubba, Aria from Pagliacci, Ruggiero Leoncavallo