whats with the latest rima (sp?) center ad on the radio, making us all feel like everytime we buy pirated dvds/vcds we are condeming a bunch of orphans?
"this also ensures the children have a bright future and not be a pirated dvd peddlar"
like .. what the heck? can you be more completely random? maybe if dvds didn't cost as much as a full tank of gas on my car i'd be more inclined to go original. and maybe if i didnt have to suffer random snips by our censorship board. and maybe if i didnt make peanuts in a job market that's just plain ridiculous
heck you know considering the job market and the cost of living in this country (don't give me that lower cost of living in malaysia crap, when in order to maintain a decent middle class lifestyle i have to pay 50k for a car thats not worth it, when without our ridiculous import duty structure that amount would buy me a car 10x better) being a pirated dvd peddalr aint that bad those guys make a decent living you know. i know a couple of places where they sit around and play games or watch movies al night while waiting for customers. doesnt sound too bad to me
speaking of which, i don't quite get how putting obscenely high duties on all imported cars protects our local car industry. what exactly is it of local make that we are protecting by bloating the price of a BMW or an Audi or a Mercedes. the last a checked we don't make any cars that are even close to being in that league and class.
what gives man