I feel detached and removed from my blog, probably from an extended leave of absence. probably the same way I feel detached and removed from life right now. I need to travel
so presented LD to TCC today .. man what a bunch of anal people. the thing is, no one told me I was supposed to present it until this morning, and no one explained to me what the hell the point is. and the other thing is, this deck was designed and meant for executive level decisions, to drive a point in on what the issues are and what our recommendation is (or at least hint at what it will be). of course its going to sound biased towards one side. we're supposed to be recommending something dammit.
and I realize there's a conflict of philosophies here .. on the one hand you have JH saying be all aggressive in your language and hit them hard with the issues and tell them that what you have sucks and you need to change. NOW.
and then you have the other party saying .. oh you gotta be careful how you word this and that and that word (which btw Jh used himself) might offend some people
bureaucracy is a dirty and painfully anal process that simply kills productivity. how are you developing an innovative culture when you're making people get too busy deciding on every word and phrase? you don't grasp the bigger picture when all you do is pick on details.
I think it’s actually an interesting challenge, on how do you manage the interaction and collaboration between a group of people to tap on their creative powers to address issues and solve problems .. but at the same time not end up in a committee-based bottleneck debating semantics? I see the value of placing decision making powers in the hands of the group, not giving any one person monopoly or dictatorship over processes, as well as not limiting the creative pool of solutions to a single source. but the challenge in creating synergy within a group of people is in ensuring a common baseline ground for analysis and discussion. that’s when you get bureaucratic
whatever I’m hungry .. and I wanna go see Disagree .. they're playing at Starbucks at midvalley. Just managed to get a hold of Suicide Note, I’m so addicted right now