Dienstag, März 09, 2004

ever get the feeling life just sorta screws you over. like, you're sitting patiently and it leads you into delusions of having seeming semblance of control and hopes of good tidings when really lurking behind the shadows is a disappointment that awaits the opportune moment when your hope and ideas are at a pinnacle and then it strikes. and as you fall to the ground and the strength within you nurtures the ability to deal with such a blow, a second and third strike follows, which you realize are merely precursors for the final, fatal blow.

or perhaps even not precursors but rather subtle yet potent combinations that together deliver a torment made worse by the nurturing and cultivations of false hopes and delusional aspirations. the passing of which brings the dawn of a new cycle of hope and hurt and despair.

Heraclitus said:

Listen to the Logos everywhere always.

Spurn false myths that maim human life.
Life without strife is eternally impossible.
Awaken to the wonder of Power here now.

See the undying drama of opposites.

Rejoice in the eternal procession of Power,

Learn to live in harmony with the Whole.

Love the everliving Fire

life is strife. life is defined by strife. woe be those who fail to see the unity in experience.