Samstag, März 06, 2004

ok its been a while i know

apparently some ppl have been reading my last anais nin quote and figured it was a sign of some obsessive loneliness and depression. while i appreciate the caring thoughts, be assured that it was merely what i took to be an interesting and beautifully written quote and no i'm not about to jump off the 60th floor of the twin towers :p

and A's starting to freak not just me but C out as well .. the other day he msged me and said something like .. you're a good friend or good company or something like that. and i couldnt take it anymore and was like, dude, get off me man you're freaking me out. so now he's buggin C, apparently smsed him at 3am, woke the poor guy up and was like, what are you doing this weekend, and invited himself along.

man this is the kind of attention you want from a cute chick. ugh.

anyway i've decided i'm sick of dealing with people. peopel are lazy, argumentative, self-indulgent. people do things half-assed, refuse to take initiative, responsibility or ownership. Its one thing to bring issues forth for open discussion and mitigation, but people don't. People bring things up and forcefully ask you for solutions on how to cover their asses. People take one look at you and immediately assume you're out to screw up their work or lives. when really it's their own lack of willingness to cooperative that sabotages themselves and their doings.

people suck.

Apparently my goth name is: Morbid Mistress. or Angelic Scars.

or Midnight Fantasy. I think i like that one.