Montag, Oktober 09, 2006

There is no compulsion in religion - 2:256, Sura Al-Baqara

its the holy month of ramadhan again. i often get the question from people, as a muslim why don't I pray? Why am I not fasting? I generally respond by asking "do you know why you pray? or why you fast?". Your religion tells you too, your ustaz (religious teacher) and your parents tell you you'll go to hell if you don't, but do you truly know why? Do you truly understand what it means to submit yourself in prayer to your God and sing praises to God's name (do you even know what those phrases mean?) for most people, the response essentially comes down to because my religion tells me to.

that said i know the verse from Sura Al-baqara above generally applies to conversions of non-muslims, but i think there is a deeper meaning that true religion cannot be forced. religion is about faith and will and in the end your God knows the intent and the purity of your actions. and what is prayer without sincerity of your actions? what is fasting without the proper "niat"? and when you take someone who doesnt fast and get him in trouble or try to force him to, he may fast (or pray, or pay zakat etc) but what good is it if his intention is not pure? i doubt your God is so superficial as to want these actions done without the ummah truly meaning it. In fact i'd think it would be a bigger sin or insult to pretend to do something when they dont mean it (just to not get into trouble). and by trying to force them you're being a conspirator in their deception, do you carry their sin then?

and is prayer or fasting that is done so you dont go to hell, without the true niat of submission to God, any different from prayer or fasting done so you wont get into trouble?

so to answer the question of why i do not pray or fast, it is because i do not believe, and nobody can make me believe, if i ever do believe it will come from within. and forcing me to fast isnt going to change that.
