Donnerstag, September 02, 2004


Blogger lisha said...

uuurggghhhhh!! geram! geram! :p im coming with the next time ur going.

Donnerstag, September 02, 2004 8:25:00 PM  
Blogger surrealist-idealist said...

omg ... whats with the sappy and gay descriptions :p 'sun kissed' and sth-sth else :p tooooo romanticizeedd ....

Donnerstag, September 02, 2004 11:41:00 PM  
Blogger posturing delusions of imagined self-importance said...

you're just jealous :p

Freitag, September 03, 2004 12:12:00 PM  

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<< Home

greetings again from the Land of Smiles

bangkok is interesting ... sorta looks like KL, but I have to say the Skytrain and MRTA (which are their elevated train and subway) are amazing, beats KL's LRT .. and their superhighway runs right through the city.

amazing ..

anyway, said goodbye to koh phangan with promises to be back and be kissed by the southern thai sun and grazed by the white sand sometime again, sorta nostalgic watching it fade away into the horizon with (for some reason) sappy music playing in my head.

the train was alright, i got the upper bunk in the a/c sleeper carriage, next time i'm taking the lower bunk, its bigger and more comfortable and you get a window .. and only RM10ish more. but it was still comfortable .. was disappointed to be told that the dining car was closed to just read a bit and munched on chocolates and then crashed until about 8am ..

oh and don't have the breakfast on the train .. its overpriced and not very good.

was trying to figure out how to get from the train station to the skytrain to my hostel but then i noticed the MRTA (subway) entrance .. must be pretty new because a lot of the maps i see have it listed as under construction .. but its definitely running and worth the ride. i just need to find a map .. .

so i'm gonna go wander the city, get a day pass and see where it takes me .. get something to eat... tomorrow i'll check out the river boat express and what sights lay that way. oh and chatuchak market, the largest marketplace in the world .. something like 10,000 to 15,000 sellers there, they say you can get anything for cheap.

oh and everyone thinks i'm thai, until they realize i sound like a farang. the only one who knew i wasnt thai was this dog at the blue lotus at phangan, who apparently doesnt like foreigners and didnt like me. the good news is that apparently for a thai, i'm pretty hot.

i also have to say that its nice to listen to thai girls speaking english, something about the way they talk, its almost like they're singing. nevermind that i don't understand a word they're saying ...

and yeah L, i know you're jealous, but i've earned my bragging rights :p