Jungian Personality Archetype (Jung-Myers-Briggs)
According to the test, I'm a ISTP: Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving. Will spare you the details (you can read the full desc here [ISTP]), thought i'd highlight the interesting bits.
Btw before that, I find interesting how people tend to take personality quizzes really with the intention of affirming what they already believe or dont believe about themselves. admit it. how many times have you taken a test and find youself saying "yeah, thats me!" at half of it and "nooo, thats so not me!" at the others.
- ...[ISTPs] lie dormant, saving their energy until a project or an adventure worthy of their time comes along--and then they launch themselves at it. The apparently frenzied state that inevitably ensues is actually much more controlled than it appears--ISTPs always seem to know what they're doing when it comes to physical or mechanical obstacles--but the whole chain of events presents a confusing and paradoxical picture to an outsider.
- ISTPs are equally difficult to understand in their need for personal space, which in turn has an impact on their relationships with others ... They need to be able to "spread out"--both physically and psychologically - TRUE
- they need such a lot of flexibility to be as spontaneous as they feel they must be, they tend to become as inflexible as the most rigid J when someone seems to be threatening their lifestyle
- they generally express themselves non-verbally. When they do actually verbalize, ISTPs are masters of the one-liner, often showing flashes of humor in the most tense situations; this can result in their being seen as thick-skinned or tasteless. - see, i'm not tactless, you're just not seeing my non-verbal cues :p
Introverted Thinking
- The inner world of introverted thinkers resembles Plato's rec room, where every untried idea runs the gauntlet of Truth .. The personal or political source of the alleged fact matters little to Thinking; each tenet must stand on its own premises.
- "If I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you." - heh heh HEAR THAT?? if i dont ask for your opinion, DONT GIVE IT
- Suffice it to say that ISTPs are by nature free spirits.
Extraverted Sensing
- ISTPs possess heightened sensory awareness
- ISTPs are energized by responding to their impulses
Introverted Intuition
- ISTPs are prone to consult "gut feelings" that most probably arise from this function unconsciously
- ISTPs generally lack enthusiasm for theoretical and philosophical issues - that's actually not true
Extraverted Feeling
- the inferior function is relatively simplistic and often operates unconsciously in an all-or-nothing manner. When operative, Feeling's sensitivity and loyalty has the potential for great benefit and utter peril - whatever the hell that means
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