From Matrix revolutions, the lyrics to Neodaemmerung (played during the big showdown between Smith and Neo) are actually taken from the Upanisads. The first verse:
asato my sad gamaya
tamaso my to jyotir gamaya
mrtyor mamrtam gamaya
From delusion lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality.
Thats interesting, because the upanisads, Brhadaranyaka, Isa, Mundaka, Katha, and all the others, are the end of the Vedas, and is the source of Vedanta philosophy, aka science of self-knowledge. essentially the universe we experience is not real, and there is a higher truth to be perceived linked with divinity ... we are ignorant to our true nature and the goal of the self is an understanding of our true nature, and in that way, "free" ourselves, achieve a "higher state of consciousness". sounds very matrixy-y doesnt it. as I read this, i recall Plato's theory of forms, albeit somewhat different, its got the same idea of the illusion of our pereption, that what we perceive are merely shadows of what is real, what is perfect.
These are the most sacred text of hindhuism ..
found this quote:
"The Absolute Consciousness is the fundamental cause of the universe and everything in it. It is free and perfect, unlimited by time, space, and causation. The individual Consciousness or the Self which appears to be limited by time, space, and causation is also free and perfect. It has come from that Absolute Consciousness. When a competent aspirant learns this from a teacher and discriminates the Self from the non-self, he comes to know that he is fundamentally that Absolute Consciousness Itself—ever pure, free and perfect."
sounds very morpheus-ish, doesnt it? actually i remember in Queen of the Damned ie from the Anne Rice vampire chronicles, they used Vedanta as well, "Akasha", the mother and source of all vampires, is actually a vedanta word that refers to the source of all matter in the universe.
Katha Upanisad 6.7
indriyebhyah param mano
manasah sattvam uttamam
sattvad adhi mahan atma
mahato vyaktam uttamam
Beyond the senses is the mind, and beyond the
mind is reason, its gasoline. Beyond reason is
the Spirit in man, and beyond this is the Spirit
of the Universe, the evolver of all.
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