Freitag, Dezember 19, 2003

sitting here waiting for hs, we're going to ln's wedding. where is this girl, aren't we late or something?

whatever, too many weddings to keep up with. honestly, I don't get it, what's with all these people and getting married so fast? Its like, graduate college, get a job, get a husband/wife, have 6 kids. Some kind of default template for life or something

anyway .. Say LOTR 3 on Thursday .. So good .. So dammmnn gooddd!!! man, the battle at minas tirith .. Especially when the rohirim charged in .. soo goooddd! orgasmic!! but then there was all that gay hobbit cameraderie going on .. the number of times I though frodo was going to kiss sam .. or that merry and moppin or whatever that other fellow's name is. if you want cameraderie, check out legolas and gimli. good ole pat on the back, now thats cameraderie. the hobbits are just gay. that's why I think (SPOILER alert!) [frodo had to leave in the end with the elves .. cuz he couldnt take it that sam got married. it just tore him apart]

mental note to self, run spell-checker .. because for the life of me I can't spell cameraderie

tried to get tix again for sunday, but at 10 am the line at KLCC TGV was 6 miles long. after like 15 minutes of crawling I figured i'd better run back to the office before my boss wonders where I disappeared off to. I gotta get tix again, I gotta see minas tirith again.

went to a friend's friend's party yesterday .. it was alright, food was pretty decent. bar was very decent. and this guy kept going around with this pitcher full of some weird green thing, I swear the damn thing would've glowed in the dark. said it was vokda+bicardi+pineapple. or was it vodka+midori+pineapple. thats sounds more like a real drink. anyway, pretty good at first, but kinda overdosed on sugar. after the fourth cup, I think *I* was oversaturated in sugar

btw credit cards are evil. I got my new ikea credit card .. and now I have the urge to run out and shop like a madman. actually i'm doing that on sunday, gotta go xmas shopping. nice long list. and while i'm at it I should get something for myself too right ;)