Freitag, Juni 18, 2004

FA was trying to argue that we should be considerate of all others in our actions .. i argue that morality and consideration is tied to spheres of responsibility, which is related to relationships with people, ie that we can really only afford to consider those who are within our sphere of responsibility, or ie within who's spheres of responsibility we reside. because although in an ideal/noble environment, everyone may consider everyone else in their actions, but realistically, there's a limitation on how many people we can actually consider. in reality resources are always limited.

so for example, lets take a hypothetical situation A with hypothetical person, L, with a hypothetical bf, GAR, and Me, S (hypothetical situation that may or may not be related to a real life situation). S doesnt know GAR, and S is sleeping with L, GAR's gf:

|---------+--------|              +
|  GAR <==+=> L <**|*****> S      +
|---------+--------|              +

As you can see, GAR and his relationship with L is beyond me sphere of responsibility, my sphere only encompasses up to L. Therefore it is not my responsibility to consider GAR and the GAR-L relationship, it is only my responsibility to consider L. It is L's responsibility and choice to consider GAR<==>L and the impact of L<***>S

now say for example, lets take a hypothetical situation B with hypothetical person, X with a hypothetical gf, Y, and there's me, S (hypothetical situation not related to any real life incidents). I'm friends with X, so that places X within my sphere of responsibility and vice versa, as a consequence of our mutual relationship:

 ------+-------------     +
| Y <==+=> X <===> S |    +
 ------+-------------     +

Note the mutual overlapping spheres of responsibility

Now if i were to try and steal his gf, now we have a problem:

| Y <====> X <===> S |
| ^                ^ |
| ****************** |

because X resides within my sphere of responsibility

someone might argue that if some random guy stole my gf, i probably wouldnt be sitting around thinking "oh she's a bitch but he's alrite cuz he should've have had to consider me". True, i'd probably be like "what a fucking bastard, how could he be so inconsiderate". True. But just because i'm pissed off and feel a particular way doesnt mean a model and dynamics of morality should be that way.

If i were to prick my foot on a sharp stone on the sidewalk i might be cursing and swearing at the street cleaners for not cleaning it or the city for not clearing it, when shouldn't I really be asking myself why the hell i'm wandering around barefoot?