Samstag, Mai 22, 2004

i keep saying i'm gonna blog after i get done with work, but when you're only done at 330 am and gotta be at work at 8am after that (although alrite i come in at 9 but whatever i think i earn that) sleep takes precedence and priority. blogging suddenly becomes an unnecessary luxury one can't afford to indulge in

yesterday was supposed to be my sleeping night and today my party night, but J decides he wants us in on saturday morning. its 6pm and i just left the office like maybe an hour ago.

man my life is sad. iPerintis gathering at bon ton last friday was my social event of the week??

makes you wonder .. where are we at, where are we going, what are we doing with our lives. it was different in college, in school sure you had midterms and papers and deadlines, but you ere doing so many different things ... or could do so many different things that it sorta makes you feel you are living to an extent. except around midterms and finals.

now its just work. after which i neither have the time nor the will, or even the energy to go out and do something

thats why i admire and envy E's life, you could argue that she lacks that stable career path, but then again when you consider her field (or multitude fields ;) of expertise, its not the same sort of progression or career destiny that you find in mine.

i envy the inherent freedom and flexibility built into her chosen lifestyle. and I admire the adamant courage and boldness she manifests in embracing and challenging the inescapable uncertainty that would have many others tremble

so where are we at?
seek us our wretched desires and embrace us our uncertain destiny?
or take charge so as not to succumb to the whims of probability?